Raspberry Pi in a case

The Raspbmc team have released its second update to their XBMC distribution for the Raspberry Pi. The updated system now includes the latest version of XBMC Frodo with all the fixes and improvements, faster bootup time and lots of other bug fixes, installer enhancements and improvements.

The Raspberry Pi makes a great Media Center system and Raspbmc is a great distribution for it. More details and the download links on the Raspbmc site.

XBMC Frodo build updated to include new bug fixes and stability improvements

Fixed issue where volume changes every time a new track begins (thanks Dom)

Fixed issue with cache buffer size

Fix a regression in Upstart in recent Raspbian root filesystem builds

Ensure valid XML generation with non-standard characters (Windows Installer)

Fixed an issue with xinet configuration in XBMC

Improved handling of firewall settings in Raspbmc Settings

Fix issue where LSB tags in init scripts were causing dependency problems when installing packages via apt-get

Raspbmc’s installer (which runs on the device), is much improved, and will warn users when USB or NFS installation is unsuccessful, as well as warning users who are attempting a USB installation with two devices attached. We’re also looking into the possibility of allowing custom partioning right from the desktop installers at a later date.

Faster boot time and improved performance due to quicker step up in CPU frequency

Fix bug where Samba password default of pi:raspberry was not working

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