If you look back to around a generation ago, the security of a business was a pretty straightforward concept. All you had to do was lock away your sensitive information and lock up your business behind it. Now, things get a lot more complicated.

There is no doubt that technology has resulted in a massive improvement in the way that businesses run and how they operate. That being said, as businesses move much more online, they also need to be wary of threats present in the digital space. Of course, where these threats are the result of further advancing technology, so too is technology the best way to stay on top of such threats.

Antivirus Software

It is not enough to simply rely on web filters at the moment due to the fact malware that can be downloaded onto your computer is constantly changing. There are even websites out there that have a good reputation that can be the home to much more malicious code. Emails are also used as a means by which to send damaging viruses as a lot of people will attach malware to what look like legitimate pieces of correspondence. In order to try and prevent all of this malware from infiltrating your business, you should ensure you download antivirus software that can seek out this kind of code and quarantine it.

Encrypted Communication

A lot of sensitive information for businesses is discussed over the phone or over email, and as such, businesses are usually quite keen to ensure these conversations remain secure. One of the most efficient ways that you can do this is by encrypting your communication. This will mean that any potentially prying eyes you would not want to see your communications will not be able to. It sounds very high-tech, but there are organizations out there like Encrochat, Ghostchat who specialize in encrypting communication who would be able to help out with this.

Web App Scanning

You tend to find that the majority of businesses will use some kind of web application to a certain extent. These apps can be incredibly useful when it comes to running a business, but that does not mean they are faultless. The fact of the matter is that these apps usually come with a number of vulnerabilities within them, and these could potentially have a negative impact on your business. As such, it is a good idea to implement some web app scanning software that is able to look at the apps your business is using then identify the potential weaknesses that come with using them. A lot of these vulnerabilities have the potential to let a website get hacked, and as such, it is important to identify them.


There are a lot of threats that face businesses due to technology; however, it is also technology that can stop these threats from becoming too serious. If your business implements the above, you should stay on top of them.

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