Operating systems like Windows or individual applications like web browsers and anti-virus programs are constantly making alterations to the code in order to improve their service. These are delivered as software updates that can not only include new features but also important bug fixes or security updates to help keep your system clean of malicious software. While your server uses a much more limited OS compared to something like Windows or OS X, it’s still susceptible to problems and should be updated if you want the best possible user experience.

Staying Up to Date

Whatever role a server plays in your business, you’ll want it functioning to its full capacity. To do this, you can help to keep your server protected from common problems by making sure that you’re using the latest version of Windows Server Essentials. You can do this by allowing the system to automatically download and install new patches as they become available. This is done through Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), an integrated server suite that enables administrators to deploy the latest Microsoft product updates to computers that are running the Windows operating system. By using WSUS, administrators are able to have complete control over the distribution of updates that are released through from Microsoft to the systems in their network.

The Whole Package

Providing your business with reliable backups is one of the most important roles a file server can fulfill for your company. While the necessary software typically comes included, such as Windows Server Essentials or Apple’s Time Machine service, you’ll need to make sure that this software package is up-to-date in order to guarantee the best results. In this scenario, you may also want to make sure your hardware is up to task. Everything from the speed of the CPU, the capacity of the hard disk, and the bandwidth allowance from the network will play a part in how your server operates.

If you primarily use your system as a file server, you may prefer to operate offline, this will limit the chance of your server attracting any kind of malicious software without hampering its ability to complete its basic tasks. To install the latest patches in this scenario, you’ll need to do this via another server on your network. While unique cases like this are not uncommon, most users will want to keep their systems online so, they can immediately benefit from any new updates.

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