When setting up an Apple TV the most frustrating part of it is entering the WiFi password and your iTunes account details from the little remote but with iOS 7 there is now a much easier way to get it setup. With 3rd generation Apple TV devices running the latest OS (6.0) and an iOS device running iOS 7 you can easily complete setup from the iPhone/iPod Touch or iPad.

After powering up your Apple TV on your iOS device you make sure Bluetooth and WiFi are enabled and then touch your device to the Apple TV, the proximity triggers the setup processes on both devices and uses Bluetooth to send the configuration.

The first prompt you get is on the iOS device where you enter your Apple ID and password:

The next prompts are if you would like the Apple ID to be remembered on the device and if you want to send data to Apple. Once you answer the messages the Apple TV will start configuring including setting up the iTunes Store account and complete the WiFi setting.

It’s much better system than typing in codes via the basic remote and Apple have made a nice job linking the two devices.

Screenshots and instructions taken from Apple’s support document.

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