I admit it.  I am an avid and loyal Home Theater PC fan!  So before you get the
titles’ meaning confused, I am quoting someone else and adding my own

I did this for more reasons than pointing out that I didn’t like the title
the author used for his article, but for something much more grand…at least in
my eyes.  You see, I’m thinking that we are on the brink of sweeping changes in
how we interact with not just our Home Theaters, but with our entire

My reason for so valiantly defending the HTPC’s fate comes down to a few
short points…

I feel that by the end of the article,  you’ll see the great potential and
longevity the HTPC has…no matter what it “looks” like down the road.  A
HTPC media center, whether it be Windows 7 Media
, XBMC Media Center living on Ubuntu,
SageTV Media Center, or any of the other viable solutions out
there, has much more uses than just streaming HD content!

Please enjoy the rest of my latest Home
submission and let me know what you think!  It’s time to embrace
technology and innovation, not  dismiss it!

If you like my article, please consider sharing it.  I certainly appreciate
it!  And leave a comment and let me know:  Is the HTPC just this
old-school geeks dream? Or does it indeed have a future like I (and a bunch of
my friends) believe?

Thanks Ian!


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