Orb Music Player (MP-1)I have been an Orb user on and off since 2005 and for a couple of years they sponsored the podcast so I was interested to see they have brought out their first hardware device. The $69 Orb Music Player is puck shaped device that you can connect to your speakers  and use as a networked music player and stream music from your PCs. You control the device from an iOS device so from an iPhone you can pick the tracks you want to play, queue up tracks an so on. They also have software for Android so you can do the same.

For $69 it’s a cheap way to stream your music around, I use to have a Roku player in my bedroom for streaming music but I since replaced it with an iPod dock which works well for me. While I am sure I could use Orb’s player I am not sure the rest of the family would find it as handy as using my iPhone or my Zune to play music but it looks interesting.

You can buy the unit direct from Orb’s site if you in the US as it looks like its US only at the moment.


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