JackLuminous in TGB forums has posted details of of Videolibrary 2.0. As you can see from from the screen shots the app is very impressive and adds to the list of great designed Windows Media Center application. Here are some of the changes for the new version (taken from the forum post):

  • Custom archived tv expressions no longer supported. Too much confusion about xml and formatting.
  • The plugin does not scan for folders at all. It simply queries the database. This database is populated by a hidden console app that is launched when the plug in runs. If the console app, VideoLibraryService.exe, is already running then it will not be run again. This exe scans the watched folders every 5 mins (default setting) and does file watching.
  • Spanned-folders no longer used or supported.
  • Uses mencoder to transcode dvds when playing on extenders. The transcoder is also used by the dvd library (Vista) and Movie Library (Windows 7). There is an annoying problem on extenders where playback abruptly stops after 30 mins – 1 hour. The file is always transcoded completely but on Windows 7 (not sure about Vista) playback just stops –I don’t know why.
  • Context menu allows all files in a gallery to be played in current viewing order. Also allows playing all randomly.
  • Metadata xml schema changes
  • When downloading movie metadata, the plugin will look for dvdid.xml files and use the id to get the info from the dvd info cache. If no dvdid.xml files are present the n the app will use themoviedb.org.
  • Supports a playback playlist that can contain episodes or movies
  • Supports advancing forward/backward through the current playlist
  • Supports adding to the playlist using the context menu or the details page
  • Detailed logging can be turned on by setting "EnableDebugging" to "true"
  • Press play on a video to play it
  • Press play on a series to play the whole series in episode order
  • Press play on a season to play the whole season in episode order
  • Click on a series to go directly into it. If you want to see the series details then you have to use the context menu.

You can download the alpha version (at your own risk!) and read all the details on the TGB post


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