Terry on WGS has posted about HDHomeRun coming to the UK with a DVB-T version of the box (It should also work in the rest of Europe, Australia and New Zealand). The HDHomeRun seems to be very popular with US enthusiasts /images/hdhr/banner_eu.jpg due to is network setup and not have to be plugged in to the Media Center system. Some of the features are:

  • Run Vista Media Center on multiple computers sharing the pool of HDHomeRun tuners.
  • Tuners are automatically allocated between computers as needed.
  • Multiple HDHomeRun units can be used together to expand the number of tuners.
  • Tuner pooling works with Windows Media Center, GBPVR, MediaPortal, and TotalMedia.

The unit is compatible with Windows Media Center 2005, Vista, TV Pack and Windows 7

4 thoughts on “HDHomeRun comes to the UK”
  1. I wonder if this will work with mpeg4/h.264 DVB-T? If the decoding is done in software, it might, but is mpeg4/h.264 DVB-T supported in Vista/7?

  2. I wonder if HDHomeRun have any plans to ship this unit with DVB-T2 tuner support? This will be a pre-requisite (with MPEG4) for reception of terrestrial HD signals in the UK.

  3. Hope it works for everyone over there as it does here in the US. I have had mine for a couple years now and love it. Still remains the easiest way to get Clear QAM (HD over basic cable) into Media Center as it makes it look to VMC like you have an ATSC tuner. I recommend these to people building HTPC’s because you get 2 tuners (people forget that when they look at the price), they take up zero room in your cramped case and you don’t have to worry about any added heat in the case. Also, Silicon Dust is very good with drivers and there is an active community forum on their site.

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