Not sure where to even start with this.  Lets go back a few weeks to the PDC when Windows 7 was announced, for lack of a better term.  Shortly after Charlie Owen had a great blog post and did a show with Ian on all the new features of Media Center in Windows 7.  I thought this was a great move to get the community excited about Media Center again after so many got turned off by the way the TV Pack was handled.

Now fast forward to CES.  I watched the keynote last night and was stunned at the lack of anything Media Center.  It was mentioned here and there but there wasn’t so much as even a quick demo, I caught one screen shot in the background of the guide and that was it.

So is Microsoft pushing Media Center to the average consumer or is their goal to keep it a niche product for enthusiasts like us and custom installers?  I hate to say it but I’m starting to think it’s the later.

It really floors me that Media Room got so much coverage and Media Center got none. Media Room isn’t even a technology most consumers have access to and the majority that do don’t know/care that it’s a MS platform.

Another Media Center-less CES keynote down, I’m hoping this trend doesn’t continue.
Sorry, just needed to rant a little.

4 thoughts on “Severely Confused – The state of Media Center”
  1. Every passing release tempts me more and more towards SageTV, which only ever seems to get positive press…

  2. Sage really isn’t an option for me because of no cablecard support. Also I’m not disappointed with Media Center itself, just Microsoft in the way they’ve been handling it. I love Vista Media Center and Windows 7 Media Center looks to be even better, I’m just stumped as to why they didn’t use CES to show it off.

  3. I watched and did a live talk show during the keynote last night and that was the first thing out of my mouth once I realized they were wrapping it up.

    Other than a date for the Windows 7 beta, and maybe some of the mobile stuff, was there anything new shown? Most if not all of the Xbox stuff was already out there, and as said above, not a mention of Media Center.

    It seems like MC is moving in the right direction with the work that Stuart has been doing as far as codec support and what not. Toshiba announces TVs with the extender built in as well. You’d think this would have at least made the keynote.

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