I spoke too soon, I am now playing AVI files on my XBOX 360 MCX natively ! Even the Fast Forward is working on all 3 increments, which wasn’t working properly in Media Center on my PC.

I had to reinstall the Optional Media Update, I had aleady installed on the XBOX 360 dashboard ages ago you remember that MP4 dashboard update that one. I guess there’s something new in the update or the Windows 7 back-end just makes it work now!

Whatever I’m very happy now MS you rock!


Thank you! [:D]

2 thoughts on “Microsoft you rock !”
  1. Actually they would rock if they would add support for the MKV container. If the content/Hollywood providers won’t work with the Microsoft / PC market, why should the Microsoft / PC market work with them?

    Sorry for the rant..
    With devices like the popcorn hour, blue-ray players that can stream from Netflix, receivers that can play audio and show pictures from a network share is making the whole sexyVMC interface look less and less attractive after you factor in cost and limitations.(no native blue-ray support, lack of content providers). To make matters worse, HDMI/Component Matrix switches and universal remotes are dropping in price faster then flatscreen tv’s, so being able to use a extender is a moot point.

    I’m a diehard Media Center user however the more I work in the custom home audio market the more I realize how little you are actually getting using Microsoft’s current implementation of a MediaCenter. The platform is there, the potential is HUGE, now only if they could just deliver we would truly have a all in one solution that could be sold to a middle income house hold.

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