It has a very difficult decision, in the end I passed the short list around the office and we took a vote on it. I feel sad that I can’t give kit to everyone that entered, there were hundreds of worthy submissions and some very sad stories but only one person can win and that is Matt who is giving all the kit except for the TouchSmart and Extender to:

Arch (North Staffs) is a charity based in Stoke-on-Trent that supports vulnerable people at risk of homelessness.  Arch provide accommodation, support and advice to victims of domestic violence including women, young people and more recently also men.    The charity aims to give vulnerable people somewhere to stay while supporting them to develop essential life skills before moving on with their lives.  The organisation helps around 2,000 people each year including singles, families, women and children.

The charity also provides floating support for people seeking alternative accommodation who are homeless or who are vulnerably housed.  The Learning Centre project also helps young people improve personal independence, promote healthy lifestyles and improve social skills and motivation.

Arch offers a range of temporary and supported housing in and around North Staffordshire and seeks to help people secure long term safe accommodation.

Arch are also involved in a range of education activities with local schools to promote and reinforce healthy relationships as young people grow and develop.

Matt is arranging for some photos and we will have an interview on [tmcs] in the future

Thanks to everybody that entered, like I said I would love each of the entries to win but I couldn’t do that so if you didn’t win please checkout the remaining sites that still have their entries open. Thanks to HP and Windows Live for enabling me to part of the fantastic giveaway

7 thoughts on “We have a HP Magic Winner”
  1. Hi everyone, I was waiting for this post since I submitted a serious entry as well. Congratulations to the winner. Just in case he wants to reconsider his beneficiaries, although the possibility is faint, I hope that he would include me:

    I respect the decision and if my little request brings no good, I will find another way to find solutions to my interest of sharing the magic of helping others. Of course, if any of you who read this can offer a hand of help, I would be the most fortunate and happiest person to accept it. Like I said, I can’t let people down just because my system doesn’t allow me to do so.

    Thanks, Digital Lifestyle. The point that I was able to express the magic I want to people, is a good feat, win or lost.

  2. good stuff ian… You folks never stop amazing us re raising the bar re what good can come of media center and MSFT technologies. Good Karma man… Happy Holiday and happy new year… (P.s… spread some of that good love over here in the south side of chicago 😉

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