I just downloaded and installed Windows Vista SP1 beta, at just over 600mb it’s not a small download. I kicked the install off and about 40 minutes later my test box rebooted for the first time. It processed the update for about another 10 minutes, then shut down and rebooted. When it resumed Vista told me not to turn off sp1the machine as it was installing a Service Pack, so iI waited another 10 minutes and it rebooted. Once it came backup it played the Windows Vista sound and told me to wait while it installs a Service, hmm not good I thought. So I waited (again) 10 more minutes and it rebooted and guess what, it told me to wait while a Service Pack installs, I was about to panic as I thought it was stuck in some kind of loop but it looked different this time as the screen was running in a higher resolution, so I left it and it rebooted.

So that is three reboots, then another reboot and one more then finally Vista came on, so that is six reboots which must be a record for a Service Pack. Once I had logged in everything looked fine. I can’t see any differences yet, this was on a Dell desktop PC so I don’t use Sleep mode like I do on my UMPC and laptop so I can’t comment on whether its any faster.  In use Windows does seem a little faster to respond, but that could be in my mind!

I would love to try it on my laptop to see if it speeds up Sleep mode and fixes my problem where Windows adds the external display to the right hand side on my laptop screen when it sits on the left hand side and I have to manually change the setting after it sleeps or hibernates, but I am not going to put it on just yet, while I have faith in Microsoft to get it right it is still only a Beta!

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