Please welcome to Microsoft’s Steve Lindsay. Steve is to ‘Champion’ Media Center and Home Server for several communities and is one of them. Steve is going to be answering questions in the forums and writing on his new blog.

So what does ‘Champion’ mean?, it means that I will be helping you guys in any way I can as well as trying to help new adopters or potential adopters of Media Center and Home Server have a comfortable ride, and help introduce you to features and things you can do with technologies which perhaps you didn’t know.

These actions will primarily be through the forums, I will be responding to every post I can on the forums. This blog will also be a way of delivering information to everyone here at the site and also to new potential users at one time. In addition as I’m primarily a developer, you can be sure I’ll have lots of MCML tips and tricks and general development techniques you can use to help with your ride through the world of Media Center.

One of the first things I’ll be doing here is releasing my source code for a plug-in I wrote recently for Media Center, the plug-in is called ‘Stage6 DivX for Media Center’, which delivers content subscription from the DivX Stage6 site to your main MCE pc and to v2 extenders (not 360’s, although hey you’ll have the source ;)). I’ll also be talking a little about the design strategy for the application and pieces of code within it.

So welcome to Steve, you can find his intro post HERE and the RSS feed HERE

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