Screenshot 2024-04-19 192604

Microsoft has released a new build of Windows 11 as the Canary channel diverges from the Dev channel. Build 26200 has a few changes as Microsoft split it off ready for future development.

Here are the main changes:

Fixes and changes

Fixes for known issues

[Taskbar & System Tray]
  • Fixed an issue that caused a dead zone you couldn’t click inside of next to the notification center.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the page icons in quick settings to not work in secondary settings pages.
  • Fixed an issue where keyboard focus wasn’t shifting to the top item of the new page correctly after switching pages in quick settings.
  • Fixed a tabtip.exe crash, which could impact the ability to input text.
  • Fixed an issue which could cause RemoteApp windows to get cut off when using 200% scaling.
[Multiple Desktops]
  • Fixed an issue where the option to set a different wallpaper on each desktop wasn’t working.

Known issues

  • [IMPORTANT NOTE] We are investigating reports that some Windows Insiders in the Canary and Dev Channels are stuck on Build 26040 or Build 23620. The investigation is ongoing, however if you are impacted by this and really want to get onto the latest build in the Canary or Dev Channel today – you can download the latest ISO here and do a clean install and opt your device back into flighting in the Canary or Dev Channels.
[Copilot in Windows*]
  • [NEW] We are aware of reports by Insiders in the Canary, Dev, and Beta Channels that Copilot is auto-launching unexpectedly after restarting their PCs. We hope to have a fix for this issue soon and is unrelated to the auto-launching experience we tried out with Insiders in the Canary and Dev Channels in early February which we stopped rolling out in March.
  • Voice access does not work reliably with the updated Copilot in Windows experience that introduces the ability for Copilot to act like a normal application.
  • Using Windows Ink to write in Copilot will not work with the updated Copilot in Windows experience that introduces the ability for Copilot to act like a normal application window.

Reminders for Windows Insiders

  • The builds we release to the Canary Channel should not be seen as matched to any specific release of Windows and features and experiences included in these builds may never get released as we try out different concepts and get feedback. Features may change over time, be removed, or replaced and never get released beyond Windows Insiders. Some of these features and experiences could show up in future Windows releases when they’re ready.
  • Many features in the Canary Channel are rolled out using Control Feature Rollout technology, starting with a subset of Insiders and ramping up over time as we monitor feedback to see how they land before pushing them out to everyone in this channel.
  • To get off the Canary Channel, a clean install of Windows 11 will be required. As a reminder – Insiders can’t switch to a channel that is receiving builds with lower build numbers without doing a clean installation of Windows 11 due to technical setup requirements.
  • The desktop watermark shown at the lower right corner of the desktop is normal for these pre-release builds.
  • Check out Flight Hub for a complete look at what build is in which Insider channel.
  • Copilot in Windows* in preview is being rolled out gradually to Windows Insiders in select global markets. The initial markets for the Copilot in Windows preview include North America, United Kingdom and parts of Asia and South America. It is our intention to add additional markets over time.

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