Online gaming is something that, without a doubt, has grown massively in popularity in recent years. Long gone are the days of simple games like Tetris and Minesweeper. Now, games are far more sophisticated and advanced.

Some games on the next-gen consoles will even have you double-taking them as they look so realistic.

The campaigns of these games are often dozens of hours long, and the attention to detail is just ridiculous. This is why so many people all across the world are so invested in gaming as a hobby.

If you aren’t currently invested in the world of gaming, you could be missing out. It could be the type of hobby that you really resonate with. However, many people are often deterred by how expensive gaming can be as a hobby.

Needing a monitor and gaming console can be quite expensive, not to mention the cost of games themselves. This means that a lot of new gamers are not exactly ready to commit. However, there is a much cheaper alternative for those who want to explore the world of gaming.

If you have a computer, then you have access to plenty of amazing web browser games. These games are free to play and require no download, meaning that you don’t have to commit to anything.

If you want some suggestions on the best games to play on your web browser, here are some good choices:

OJO Scratch Cards

If you like excitement and fast-paced action, then you might want to try PlayOJO scratch cards. This selection of online scratch cards will, without a doubt, keep you occupied for hours.

You can win some great prizes across a variety of providers and games. It is extremely easy to get into and fun for people of all interests.

Another easy-to-pick-up game is This game might look very straightforward, but it is exciting enough to keep you entertained for hours.

Starting off as a small circle, you must eat players smaller than you to grow and develop. Be careful though; bigger circles will also try to eat you in the process.

This means you have to be quick and agile while working your way towards being the biggest shape on the map. You won’t be able to look away for a second as you continue to grow and survive.

Pokemon Showdown

Any Pokemon lovers out there will be sure to love this one. Pokemon Showdown allows you to enjoy the excitement of battles with no download or commitment.

You can take on other players using random squads of Pokemon, or you can even build your own. The game offers you the chance to just enjoy battling Pokemon without worrying about anything else.


If you think you have a good sense of the world, you should try out GeoGuessr. This game will load you into different scenes across the world.

From here, you must try and guess what location you are in across the globe. The closer your guess, the more points you get.

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