Marketing changes with the trends and yet, at its core, remains the same. That is because successful marketing will, and always will be, about creating a relationship with your customers. Building brand loyalty is important both for the repeat business as well as for the word-of-mouth marketing that will come from a happy customer. A successful marketing campaign, then, is one that connects with your customers and one that wows them. That’s why you should steer your marketing team towards these trends:

1.Artificial Intelligence

As always, AI takes center stage. Though naturally, the AI that exists and that marketers can use is in no way sentient, it can make automation infinitely better. Personalization has become possible thanks to algorithms and the power of Big Data, and it will only grow as time goes on. Personalization through automated marketing is how you’ll grow brand loyalty and how you will see more repeat sales this year than ever before. What is marketing automation? It is the ability to take the data you know about your customers and use it to provide them with valuable and customized experiences. With it you can create a series of newsletters that are tailored to them, and so much more.

2. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

VR and AR headsets have only just been released. Though they are in no way perfect, the technology will continue to grow as time goes on. Soon, the tech involved won’t just be a marketing gimmick – though it is a very valuable one – it will be a part of our daily lives. For now, however, consider adding a virtual or augmented reality marketing campaign for top results – people find this technology exciting, and will go to you to visit the exhibition in question.

3.The Potential of Video

Live video has had a second coming this last year. Many social media websites now make it easy and encourage users to share live videos. To really stand out as a business, however, you need to make your live videos professional. Whether you are a big company or small, making professional videos is a matter of thought and planning.

4.The Move Away from the Influencer

Influencers are those social media stars who you would pay to feature your product. The problem is that this typically results in a lot of brand awareness, but not a lot in terms of return on investment (ROI). This is likely due to how short period users interact with the content they see. In many cases, they might just like the photo and continue without reading further. That being said, not all influencers are a bad ROI. Instead of getting as many influencers as you can to feature your product, however, you are better off finding the few who do work, and building your own social profiles.

Trends will change as technologies and social perception change. So long as your company puts your customer’s experience first, you will change with the times and succeed.

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