
I have to admit to having a bit of an addiction to smart lights but what do you do if you don’t have wifi coverage in every room. One solution for extending your network is power light technology which uses your house mains wiring to distribute your network. So why not control your lights using powerline? Well this is what De.Light does but takes it a step further by turning a smart light into a WiFi hot spot.

The system works by having a power line adapter than you connect into your router and then it sends network data over your house mains wires to the light bulb which then broadcasts your network as a WiFi hotspot. The bulb can then be controlled via an iOS or Android app.

The bulb comes with a set of white LEDs and a set of cool while LEDs so you can pick which you look want. From the app you can setup schedules and control the brightness levels of the bulb. Setting up is simple and once up and running you have a smart bulb what isn’t dependent on your homes WiFi and creates a new hotspot for you.

The system works very well and my only criticism of it is the lack of integration with 3rd party services like Amazon Alexa or IFTTT, without the integration I can’t link it with my other lights so that reduces its useful. Hopefully integration can be added soon but for anyone that wants to jump into smart lights and also add extra WiFi coverage to their home should take a look at De.Light

The kit costs $149 and is available with US, UK and European type mains plugs. More information at xy-connect.com

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