You can spend a lot of money on a pair of headphones but at the rate I go through them for occasional use I like to have a low cost set like the 1byone headphones I was sent for review.

These headphones costs £12.99 from Amazon and come with a neat case and 5 sets of ear tips so you can find the ones that are most combatable for you. The headphones are the in-ear type and have a flexible positional wire so you can make them fit over your ears, once you have the wire bent to the best angle they fit very well into your ears so they cancel out any environmental noise. The sound quality is very good for the price, the sound is clear with good bass reproduction. When pushed to high volume levels the audio becomes a little distorted but personally I don’t really want them that loud anyway so I am pretty happy with the sound. They don’t match up to a pair of £200 set but then you wouldn’t expect a £13 pair to anyway. They are also IPX5 rated which means they are sweat and light rain proof.

They come with a case, 5 sets of tips and a clip, overall a nice pair of headphones and I have found them handy to keep with me. I used them monitoring audio levels for podcast recordings and they work really well.

Find out more on Amazon .


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