If you have got your kids a Windows 8.1 device oover Christmas they are probably nagging you for your credit card details. For iTunes and Android accounts you can buy gift cards from many places including most supermarkets but for the Windows Store finding the gift cards is a big harder. Windows Store Gift cards are available, searching online I only located them in Argos but I found you can use the much more widely available Xbox Live Gift Cards.

Microsoft don’t seem don’t advertise you can use the Xbox cards in the Windows Store apart from some very small print on the cards  “Get an Xbox gift card for games and entertainment on Xbox One, Xbox 360, other select Microsoft online stores, and Windows Phone 8”. So seeing as they hide it I thought I would document it here.

To use it go to the Windows Store on a Windows 8/8.1 device swipe in from the right and bring in the Charms, tap on settings, tap on Your Account, and in there you will see a Redeem code box where you can enter the Xbox Live Gift Card code number, type the code in then tap on Redeem. You can then buy apps from the Windows Store (plus content from Xbox Video an Music) and the amounts are taken from your credit. I don’t know why Microsoft make it such a secret!

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