
With Adobe pulling Flash Player from for Android the BBC have had to come up with alternative system for playing back media content. Today they have release a new Media Player for Android that handles watching embedded video from the BBC website.

I tried the browsing the BBC iPlayer site from my Nexus 7 and I could playback the content where it failed in the past.

The app is based on Adobe Air rather than using a native playback and HLS (Http Live Streaming) which would work better but isn’t supported on older version of Android but I don’t think you need to have Air installed for it to work.

The app is free from Goole Play

This application works with other BBC websites and applications to provide improved video and audio playback on your Android phone. We’re just rolling it out now to the BBC iPlayer website. Other applications and websites will follow.

Once you have downloaded this application, continue to browse the BBC website on your Android phone as normal. When you play any video or audio the BBC Media Player will launch and handle playback of the content. We’ve worked hard to integrate it as much as possible with the website, so don’t worry if you don’t notice this happening.

As we are just beginning to integrate it with the site now, it may take a few hours before this new player is used by the particular content you are looking at. In the meantime, you will be able to continue watch and listen to our shows the same way as you always have.

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