
Ordering the Raspberry Pi from element14 was fairly simple once you could get on their site, they operated on a first come first serve basis and they boards have stared shipping now. RS Components was slightly different, they took product  interest registrations and our sending out invites to order they were received. Today RS put out anther update on the Raspberry Pi blog explaining how the process is working:


Thanks to all those of you who have posted comments – positive and negative – since our last update. We recognise that many of you are still wondering where you are in our queue and when you will be able to purchase your Raspberry Pi.

While this won’t resolve all of your questions we hope this update will give you a clearer picture of what is happening right now.

A secure delivery schedule is in place for the next 75,000 Raspberry Pi boards, which will take us through May and June.  Next week we will be opening up our online Raspberry Pi store and inviting the next customers in our queue to place their orders.

To give you some idea of what this means, by 5pm GMT on the day that Raspberry Pi launched, 29th February, we had received around 75,000 registrations. We expect to invite all of these people to place their order over the course of the next 7 to 10 days.

We’re preparing further communications that will give more detail on our queue and what this means for people who registered post 29th Feb, which we’ll share shortly. In the meantime, we’ve also updated our FAQs and will continue to post updates on a regular basis.

Best wishes

Jo & all the RS Raspberry Pi Team

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