
Nokia have updated their navigation application Nokia Drive to version 2.0, the new version has complete offline navigation, speed limit notifications and improved dashboard. Having offline maps is a great addition as downloading maps as you go along can eat up your data plan and if your in a rural areas you can’t always guarantee that you will have 3G coverage.

The app is free for Lumia owners and can be found in the Windows Phone Marketplace. A work of waring, if you update the app you will need to re-loaded the maps which is fine if your on wifi but if your out and about you may want to wait till you get home to update it.

via Nokia

Nokia Drive

You’re driving on an unknown road and you suddenly wonder whether you’re still respecting the speed limits. Or the road ahead is almost empty and you instinctively speed up a bit. Do any of these examples sound familiar? The new Nokia Drive can help you in those circumstances.

Nokia Drive navigation Nokia Drive Speed Limits settings

You can drive more safely because speed limits and relevant notifications are clearly visible in the app dashboard. Warnings are fully customizable with audio alerts and specific triggers.

Additionally, we introduced your most requested feature in this update: a complete offline experience. When you open Nokia Drive, under Settings > Manage maps you can download country maps for offline access. You can now rely on Nokia Drive in areas with poor network coverage or cut your data costs when you’re visiting foreign countries.

One thought on “Nokia Drive 2.0 available on the Windows Phone Marketplace”
  1. Just a small correction, Nokia Drive v1 already had offline maps but needed a data connection to search for destinations which meant you couldn’t start to navigate without that. Now with v2 you can set the application to “offline” in the settings and searches for destinations will use the information stored on the phone.

    I used Nokia Drive v2 on my way to work and the speed limits were updated almost metre perfect although I did notice one place where it had recently changed still showed the old speed limit.

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