Some clever hacks over on the XBMC forums have managed to get Ceton’s infiniTV 4 working with XBMC. With the plugin you can stream video from Ceton tuner, share a tuner with multiple clients, stream TV over the Internet and using PseudoTV you can get a user interface to control it.

If you have a Ceton tuner it could be a great way of watching live TV around the home and when you think about the devices you can run XBMC on (like the Raspberry Pi and Apple TV) it has a lot of possibilities.

To get it working you will need XBMC, VLC, infiniTV 4 and a CableCARD from your TV provider, head over to the XBMC forums for the downloads and all the details.

Thanks to @Dangelus


What you need:
  • XBMC
  • VLC
  • Ceton infiniTV 4
  • CableCard from your TV provider

What it can do:

  • Stream video from any of the tuners in your Ceton device
  • Share a single tuner with multiple clients
  • Watch tv outside your house, if your bandwidth is high enough
  • Displays channels in a simple user interface (Using PseudoTV)

How it works:

XBMC plugin <==> remoteCeton <==> VLC <==> Ceton TV stream

<==> Ceton infiniTV

XBMC plugin makes calls to the remoteCeton server to change channels and get the stream url.
remoteCeton uses the CyberGarage UPnP library to change the channels and start/stop the stream on the Ceton device.…CyberLinkForCC
remoteCeton starts up a VLC stream to filter out the other program streams using the remoteVLC plugin

How EPG Works:
The remoteCeton program will call EPGUpdater.bat daily to update the epg data. You can use the current EPGUpdater.bat file if you would like to use it with mc2xml.exe or you can modify it to call any other xmltv downloader. After the batch script finishes, the remoteCeton program dumps the “resources/xmltv.xml” file into a sqlite db.

Download + Install:
Read the INSTALL.txt file to set up the plugin.


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