One of the most anticipated features of Windows 8 is the Windows Store, Microsoft’s app store for Windows 8. In the developer preview builds the store is not enables so we still don’t really know what the experience is like. Microsoft have published a post explaining the store and some of the features. It looks like it does exactly what you want from an app store, easy discoverability, re-downloading of purchased apps and notifications for updates (checked once day). I think along with Metro this is going to be one of Windows 8’s biggest selling features.


On the Store landing page, we will continually feature new and exciting content, changing frequently so that customers come to expect there’s always more to explore within the Store. The landing page integrates featured content with navigational content (like categories and lists of featured apps). Research from our usability labs and from individual customer interviews indicated that people were more likely to just search for what they wanted in today’s app stores because most browsing experiences aren’t compelling enough. So we designed a landing page that integrates our featured content, data-driven lists, and category listings into one cohesive and engaging browsing experience.

Navigation is simple and consistent with Windows 8 Metro style UI, so it will be familiar and easy for Windows 8 users to find their way through the Store. Store categories are presented across the top of the screen, with compelling apps featured in each category. To browse, you simply pan to the right or left—with a flick of the finger it’s incredibly easy to see new and interesting apps across all categories and the overall breadth of the Store. If you’re interested, you can also drill down to the apps in a specific category with a single tap on a category name.

Continue reading at Microsoft’s Blog

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