There are always a ton of rumours circulating about the next Apple TV or what features will or won’t be in Windows 8 so I thought I would start a weekly roundup of some of the stories that have caught my eye in the last week.

First up is the story that the next Xbox and Kinect will add lip reading, track your fingers and sense the tone of your voice so it can tell if your getting angry. Seeing as most of the time the current Kinect can’t tell I am in the room then this would be a major leap. Oh and there could be two Xbox models in the works, a cut down set top box and a full gaming console (via Engadget)

Next a couple of Apple TV stores: From CultofMac saying that after some snooping in the iOS SDK they have found the code name of the next Apple TV. The code name “J33”  device they say could be the next Apple TV that could either be the spec bump update that adds 1080p output or a band new Siri powered device.

On they say that Apple analyst Gene Munster just reiterated his belief that Apple is going to launch a TV next year. They say that this will be a fully fledged TV set that will come in a range of sizes, be priced at twice the current TV market prices and will have seamless integration with other Apple devices and Siri control.

On the Microsoft front Winrumours are reporting that Microsoft have a version of Microsoft Office in the works for IOS, this would make sense and would sell a lot of copies but Microsoft would be making the iPad a great productivity device so there is a bit of a conflict of interest there.

  • There have been a few Windows 8 stores this week. I am really looking forward to the beta of Windows 8 as it adds Media Center functionality back, the rumours where that it would be released at CES but now it seems that February could be the target with a preview at CES, the sooner the better for me. There is a press preview of the Windows app store coming this week so we should at least know some more details about the marketplace. Another story doing the rounds is that the ARM version of Windows 8 could launch in 2013 and not have the traditional Windows desktop making the ARM devices more like the iPad. If this means proper touch designed apps and great battery life I think this should be ok but is 2013 to late?
  • If you have any stories you think we should be talking about let me know.

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