Brian and the team at My Movies have a pre release 8 out of My Movies for Windows Media Center and My Movies Collection Management 4.02.

Here are the details:

Added: Option to mark a disc as being a bonus disc. This is to be used for TV Series mapping instructions and for future option of displaying bonus discs in Windows Media Center.

Change: DVD Profiler import changed to new online import option. This deprecates the option to import just data.
Change: Print Report changed to online option. This deprecates existing print report option.

Fix: Translation on column headers in Synchronize status window.
Fix: Season view in CM now shows multiple episodes with same episode number, if these are present.
Fix: Not all instructions in ‘Report Invalid Data’ was visible.
Fix: Some paths could cause a crash when uploading online collection.
Fix: Not owned episodes that have been removed on the server are now removed upon update of a TV Series.
Fix: DiscConnections to TV series are now removed when folder monitoring deletes a title.
Fix: Better handling of databases in incorrect states.
Fix: Missing check in folder monitoring and updating of TV Series.
Fix: Handshake timeout could time out when synching online collection
Fix: Better error messages when downloading not owned episode.
Fix: TV Series accepts that there is no country information.
Fix: Sync time has been improved.
Fix: Improved synchronization speed.
Fix: Ensuring that unidentified discs could not hammer service.
Fix: Issue with reset of collection numbers.
Fix: Exception in SQL sentense that could give issues syncing online collection.
Fix: The automatic location changer may have had problems with letter casing.

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