MPC MedaiFile is a tool for organizing your movie and TV series collection. You can automatically create a folder structures, rename files and have them move to the desired location and today version 1.2 has been released. The new version has support for Media Center DVD Libraries, VIDEO_TS folders and metadata conversion.

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Support for Media Center DVD Library. Media Center has its own built in movie collection manager. However, in order to include your movies, you will have to obtain file called dvdid.xml that contains special number tag. Once, you have this file in your movie folder, Media Center will pull the metadata from internet. Media Center does not really stores any information within xml file, therefore editing this file becomes little bit tricky. It turns out, Media Center requires only two things: Movie Name and Release Date in following format “2011 01 01” in order to get metadata from internet. To make things more interesting only first four digits are important. “01 01” seems to be ignored. Once you have them both, all metadata, including cast, genres is pulled from provider. Any custom tags (genres) are simply ignored. If you want to have total control over metadata, you will have to create xml that is stored in DVDInfoCache folder  without Release Date tag.

* Note: Media Center requires two xml files: dvdid.xml stored in movie folder and additional xml file stored in DVDInfoCache folder

Ability to create RSS Feeds. Really Simple Syndication is a web feed format, used to publish news headlines, audio and video. This is a standardized XML file that can be opened in internet browser and subscribed by applications like iTunes. In order to stream content on your Local Area Network (LAN), you will have to setup your own web server and provide web server IP address or host name when RSS feed is created. Please note that not all video file formats are supported. iTunes will play “mp4” and “mpg” extensions, but it will ignore “flv” and “mkv” files.

Support for DVD folders (VIDEO_TS).  Folders containing vob files, are treated as single “file”, therefore when your scan directory, File List will contain mix of regular movie items (avi, mkv) and items like “Avatar.DVD”. Clearly there is no point of creating proper folder structure for VIDEO_TS folders, however you can create xml metadata files for them.

Finding duplicates and similar names. This feature works in both modes. In XML Mode it will search for exact names. In File Mode, it will allow you to find movies that maybe be in different formats. You could have movie “Avatar (2009).avi” and Avatar.mkv or Avatar (2009).DVD. You could also have “The Avatar [divx]”, instead of a proper name.

Conversion of Movies and TV Series metadata between three supported formats. Version 1.2 extends ability of converting metadata to TV Series and Episodes. Media Center native DVD Library, supports movies only, therefore if you have already existing metadata in other supported formats, you can convert them to be included in Media Center library.

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