
I am thinking of updating my Windows Media Center backup tool and wanted to get some feedback from users. The Windows 7 version of the app has been downloaded over 2000 times from the Media Center app store so I thought it was about time I updated it.

I am considering adding cloud storage to the application so you can have the software backup your scheduled recordings to a cloud store and then be able to retrieve them from the internet store. I know lots of people have used the tool when setting up new system as a way of transferring the channel lineups from the old PC to a new one so if you have any ideas on how I improve the transfer processes let me know.

What other features would you like to see?

I have created a thread in the forums to talk about it


One thought on “mcBackup Tool Update, What features Would You Like to See?”
  1. Hi Ian,

    as discussed on one of your recent shows, having the ability to backup DVBLink virtual tuner details would be great.

    Can I also request, all scheduled recordings (ie all series etc whether they are currently due to record, or just waiting for the next installment in 6 months time…), I think v2 only backs up scheduled recordings that are currently available in the guide.

    Also, if you could backup guide source details, for example, I use BigScreens EPG tool to import missing sky channel epg data, and this is one of the biggest and most painful parts of a reinstall… linking the guide data from BS EPG to the channels in the guide.


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