I am still trying to find ways to get better use out of my Apple TV and with Airplay the box is getting more use so I was intrigued to read about a Web Browser for the Apple TV. Actually its not strictly a browser as part of the Apple TV it’s actually an iOS app that uses AirPlay to send web pages to the Apple TV from an iPhone or iPod.

As well as displaying web pages it will also view PDFs and Word documents. According to Cultofmac.com version 1.0  still needs some more work, browsing on the Apple TV is slow and there are some bugs but I like the idea, maybe future version will improve the system and then it may be worth shelling out £1.19


Browse the Internet on your TV using your iPhone and Apple TV.
– Use the latest AirPlay feature to view web pages on your TV.
– Built-in search bar
– Mail links
– Bookmark your favorite web pages
– History saved
– View multiple online documents including .pdf, .doc.

One thought on “Browse The Web On an Apple TV”
  1. Does Airplay completely occupy the sending device? If so it renders the iPhone useless while transmitting. The iPhone/iPad is a great companion device, and if I were to lose it while watching video on the TV, I don’t really see how I’m much further along than the first day I bought a VCR. Even if Airplay allows one to use Twitter apps, etc while pushing video, the battery drain on the phone’s terrible battery makes Airplay less appealing. Any comments on this?

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