This week we put out the 299 edition of the The Digital Lifestyle Show, the show started out as The Media Center Show back in March 2005 and since then we have seen the a lot of changes in the digital lifestyle, lots of technologies have come and gone like dedicated extenders (2 generations of devices), Microsoft PMP, Plays for Sure, Origami and Spot Watches but we have also seem fantastic tech like the Xbox 360, iPhones,iPads, Android and the Kindle.

So for show 300 I would like to know what technology makes up your digital lifestyle and how has it changed over the years. My first Media Center project involved custom TV software and analogue video senders and is a long way from the iXL and Freeview HD with Apple TV and the iPad. So how has your setup changed and what were the challenges you faced?

You can send us an email podcast [at] thedigitallifestyle or even better an audio file or youtube video showing off your setup. We have featured members setups in the past and it has been a very poplar feature, often inspiring  other users.


Creative Portable Media Center

D-Link Windows Media Center Extender

Zune to be history soon?



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