The Digital Lifestyle Show No.290–This is not the home server you are looking for

TDL_Product2010Back to our normal format this week, Garry and Andrew join me to talking about streaming TV, we share our post CES thoughts, talk about VLC updates, XBMC on Apple TV, Freeview HD with Windows Media Center and Android Tablets

We also have the the results of the TDL Product Of The Year, your votes have been counted and the results are here! As you can see from the shownotes we have a packed show this week


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Music by Ian Dixon

0 thoughts on “The Digital Lifestyle Show No.290–This is not the home server you are looking for

  1. Hi Ian / Andrew,

    there is an alternative for capturing Sky channels – thats using the dvblink tvsource software, along with a Dreambox – Sly probably aren’t too impressed with this route, however as you can only receive the channels you subscribe too, so its not like you are stealing unpaid for channels


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