I am working away this week so we make Andrew do the hard work for a change. He takes charge and Garry joins him to talk about the weeks news including iPad updates, media streaming, EPG apps, Xbox Kinect and planning for the next user group


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this was recorded before Microsoft’s Vail announcement so we will be talking about that next week

Links from this weeks show:

Don’t forget the other TDL Podcasts: TDL Mobile and The Custom Integrator Show

Twitter: @isdixon @aedney @garrywma

Music by Ian Dixon

0 thoughts on “The Digital Lifestyle Show No.282–Andrew Takes Charge”
  1. I’m happy to see you take the riens Andrew. The show was not as long as I had hoped. Unfortunately for you, the WHS debacle came out Tuesday while you recorded Monday. I’m looking forward to your comments this week on that as an aftermath. What is the consensus from the WHS community and bloggers ? How do the Media Center guys feel this impacts on their content being stored on WHS ? Will they upgrade or stick to v1 ? Why ? Ian, how do you use your WHS as a media storage pool? Also looking forward to the comments on the tuner card.

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