A bit of binary fun and a saving from Tranquil PC on their Media Center PCs.


To celebrate a special ‘digital’ moment in time 011010 to 101010,  and the launch of possibly the worlds finest Media Centres, Tranquil PC are  offering a £50.00 discount on all new Media Centres
The are three models to choose from, or you can configure your  own
To view the different models please visit the link below for -  or click  here.


The  digital time offer
Special launch offer – just order any one of the ixL Media  Centres, from Tranquil PC between 01-10-10 and 10-10-10 and automatically  receive a £50 discount at the checkout.
This offer applies to pre-built ixL Media centres
The offer includes the Silver, Gold and Platinum models.

0 thoughts on “Tranquil Discounts on new Media Center Systems”
  1. I’ve just for an ixL i3 up and running myself. It’s the best media center PC I’ve ever had. Almost silent (just the hard drive making a noise), and very fast. And appearance wise, it blends in perfectly next to my other hi-fi gear. Lovely.

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