As mentioned last week Martin Millmore is working on a Spotify app for Windows Media Center and he has posted a screens shots of app. He is also asking what should be app be called?

My one question to you all is would people pay to buy a version that worked better but required a premium subscription? I’d need to pay for a premium subscription myself to be able to build it (you can’t get access to the api without that), so I wouldn’t be able to do it for free. The advantage of access to the premium subscription code is that better media center integration can be achieved with the Ogg audio played directly in media center, not via the Spotify application, although even then the Ogg format isn’t supported on extenders, so it still wouldn’t work with them. Anyone think it is worth it?

Another question is what about the name? SpotifyMCE seems just too uninspired, so I am open to suggestions.

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