Spotted a great little tip in The Green Button forums on how to setup Media Center to startup and play a live TV. The VBScript file will start up Media Center and select the required channel.

I hope the poster LeeroyBrown won’t mind me me posting a very useful tip here and if you have any useful tips that you would like to share let me know

You need to open Notepad (Start > Accessories > Notepad) and paste the following:

‘Begin file set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

strWinDir = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SYSTEMROOT%")

WshShell.Run strWinDir & "\ehome\ehshell.exe"

WScript.Sleep 10000

WshShell.AppActivate "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe"

WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.SendKeys "^{t}"

WScript.Sleep 12000

WshShell.SendKeys "1"

WScript.Sleep 10000

WshShell.SendKeys "80" *This number is the channel you want to open*

WScript.Sleep 2000

‘End File

Save the file as TVAlarm.vbs. Once you’ve done that, run it and you’ll see it opens Vista Media Centre and plays LiveTV. I store all of my programs and vids on an external hard drive, which sometimes takes a while to fire up, so opening straight to the channel I want gets a "Not enough disk space to continue" error and MCE just sits there. Because of this I’ve told MCE to go to channel "1" first, then move to BBC News 24 (channel 80) after 10 secs to give the external drive time to register. If you store everything on your main drive you can remove lines 10 & 11.

Then all you need to do is use Task Scheduler (Start > Accessories > System Tools > Task Scheduler) to set up an event which wakes up your pc and runs the script. The problem after that is waking your TV at the same time. I can’t help with that as its not a PC component. Some TV’s have a timer option, so you could use that, but I have a power-saving multi-plug adapter (£10 from eBay), where there’s a master plug and some slaves. The slaves are only active when the master is in use. I find this perfect for a PC, as you’re only going to use the peripherals when the base unit is on. When its off or in standby, the slave plugs are disconnected to save energy… no more standby!

Read the rest of the details on the original post

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