While I was recording my video of the new DVB-T HD Homerun I tried getting it working with Windows 7 and after hours of trying I gave up and stuck with Windows Vista. The drivers installed fine and it worked with their own software but Windows Media Center would not find any of the TV channels, it turns out its a bug in Windows 7 and the guys on the Australian Media Center community forum have found a solution. The problem is how Windows 7 requests channel PIDs and changing the HDHomerun setup from “Windows Media Center “ to “Other – DVBT/DVBC” fixes the problem. The drawback with that solution is that that is disables the PID filter so the rather than Media Center requesting just the channel it needs the Homerun sends the full 26MBps stream so using more bandwidth but other than that it should work the same.

I am going to give this a try tonight and I will do an updated video

More details on Silicondust.com’s forum

Thanks to @Garrywma and Richard Miller for the tip

UPDATE: I tested this last night and it still doesn’t work in Windows 7

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