Hi folks, following on from the previous Play To updates I’ve just created a Wiki entry where we can track any devices that work with Play To and how well they work.  I’ve pre-populated it with the devices from my previous blog post.  Please feel free to add any devices that you know about, and to add in your experience of using the devices.  I’m really keen to find out how your using the feature.

Posted by Simon May, follow me on Twitter or if you like email me
Simon's Blog @ thedigitallifestyle.com

8 thoughts on “Play To List of Devices”
  1. That’s a very good question. I don’t have one so I can only go on what I’m told.

    The PS3 does implement a DLNA stack, but it only takes the DMP role, so you can select and play stuff from your Windows 7 box (or any other DMS) by you can’t “Play To” a PS3. That’s not Microsoft’s fault though, it’s Sony’s. They need to bring out a firmware update to implement the DMR role on the PS3.

    I’ll bang the PS3 on the list though.

  2. I use my PS3 primarily for Blu ray (it came with the wife’s phone – she didn’t want a new one!) I haven’t tried it myslef as I’m having trouble with my DVB-T tuners. Normally I run my HD video collection and on occasion music via Twonky to the PS3. As mentioned in Ian’s Podcast #190, Twonky is ‘da bomb’ at streaming.


  3. Windows 7 implements a fully compliant Digital Media Server (DMS) so there is really no need to install 3rd party media server software (unless it also pulls in stuff from outside your own media collection). PlayStation, as a DMP, can discover the Windows 7 media server and browse/playback all content it has a codec to playback.

    Playstation does not implement the necessary DMR role, and therefore Play To will not show it in the list of capable devices.

  4. I tried last night afteryet another Sony update and no can do with play to. I ensured that in the ‘share’ option I sleceted the whol network and allowed the unkown device which was my PS3 but it didn’t show.

  5. @gfrost, The Twonky is on my NAS and as such I can pull all manner of audio & video delights off it. The main ideas was to take the pc out of the loop. I have found that if using the 360 not as an extender but accessing music via windows media connect it is slower than Twonky, also I can acess twonky on my PDA when in the garden away from the outdoor speakers – thats something windows 7 or previous media connects couldn’y do! The other product like that I use is Orb, watching live tv via orb on a PDA in an airport is really amazing.

  6. @dunks517, Twonky no doubt makes a great media server product, which runs on a myriad of devices such as network attached storage. We’ve done a lot of work in Windows 7 to ensure our media server is both performant and DLNA complaint. I’d love to hear your feedback about improved Win7 performance over WMP11 on XP or Vista; or even against the Twonky product. We definitely want our media server to perform very well, and any feedback you have will be well received.

    I’ll post a blog shortly about how to use freely available tools to determine whether a device, such as the PS3, implements the Digital Media Renderer (DMR) role necessary to work with Play To. As you’ve discovered for yourself, the PS3 does not yet provide this service, and therefore, cannot have media pushed to it via Play To.

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