As you will have seen from the press release Microsoft had a lot of Media Center technologies in the New American Home, I saw at least 8 Media Center screens as well as a load of Xbox 360 being used as Extenders, a fantastic home theatre system and a ton of home automation.

While I was at the home I interviewed Microsoft’s Scott Evans for this weeks [tmcs], Scott details the aim of the project and some of the tech used , it’s an awesome example of how Windows Media Center can scale up and be part of a bigger whole home solution. More this week show.

Here are some pictures I took:


IMG_1368 IMG_1369 IMG_1370 IMG_1371 IMG_1373 IMG_1374 IMG_1375 IMG_1376 IMG_1377 IMG_1378 IMG_1379 IMG_1381  IMG_1383 IMG_1372

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