This is a bit of fantastic news!  We’ve been contacted by Microsoft following our coverage of the Play To feature in Windows 7 pointing us to a white paper that has some great information in it about “Play To” devices.  It’s written for those intending to build a compatible device but it’s great information on a feature where the details are fairly sparse.

You can find the White Paper here.

Microsoft have also offered to answer some questions about the feature so ask away in the comments below!  (Obviously we can’t guarantee that your question will be answered, but we’ll certainly pose them).

So to start off, here’s mine

Will Microsoft be providing an SDK that will help people develop applications for Windows 7 that can use the Play To feature?

Posted by Simon May, follow me on Twitter or if you like email me
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5 thoughts on “Do you have questions for Microsoft about "Play To"…then ask!”
  1. Not really a question but more of a bug report.
    When playing certain albums (those downloaded from the Zune marketplace) I get a message that the “Media Server could not be contacted”. If I then go back to that particular track, it will play fine. Is this a bug? It also happens with tracks that I own.

    It’s also interesting to note that if it happens with the first track of an album, it will then skip every other track, alternating between playing one then skipping the next.

  2. If your Xbox 360 extender is paired with mediacenter “A” is it possible to use the Play To function on a Windows 7 “B” to stream content to the Extender?

  3. I would like to know what media extenders this feature will be compatible with. Is it more a function of Win 7, or does it rely more heavily on the firmware on the media device/extender?

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