Steven Harding on The Digital Lifestyle Developer Blog is working on a Media Center development book and is asking would you like it in traditional book format or an inexpensive PDF copy. I think a PDF is a great idea as its a much cheaper way of distributing the content and I think there is big market for a Media Center development hand book.

Let Steven know if your interested the project and what format you would like it in


The Digital Lifestyle Developer Blog : Would people be interested in a book?

0 thoughts on “Would you like to see a Media Center Development book?”
  1. It would be interesting to see a proper reference book with worked examples – the microsoft site is rubbish. It would need to be comprehensive though to be worth paying for. Needs to be electronic though for search and cut and paste.

  2. A Media Center Dev book would be excellent.
    I would be interested in either a traditional book or electronic.
    Maybe you could even find a publisher that would allow distribution either way.

  3. Oh yeah, a companion website would be able to provide the searchable cut and paste code examples as well as errata.

  4. Are you interested in a book on Media Center development? Or having problems with XP Service Pack3…

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