I have been through the hundreds of entries for the HP Dragon and have the got the randomiser working (a little bit of Visual Basic code I have written), so today I am going to pick the lucky winner. Thanks to everybody than entered I only wish I had more machines to giveaway!

To find out if your the lucky one I am going to announce the winner at 4pm (UK time) live on Twitter and I will post the winners name on the blog later. To follow me on Twitter (the brilliant and totally addictive micro-blogging service) go to Twitter.com/isdixon and click on the follow button.  The reason I love Twitter is a great way to communicate with a community so if you have not joined yet signup and starting Twittering!

I was going to announce the winner on a video stream but I have lost my voice and can’t talk (which some people seem to think is no bad thing!)

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