Jonathon Bradshaw is looking for developers to help with a new Media Center project focusing on implementing TCP/IP control within Media Center, so Media Center could be controlled via standard TCP calls which would open up lots of potential application, Twitter remote control anybody 🙂

The project is on codeplex where you can contribute to the project:

Project Description
Provides a way to control Windows Vista Media Center (and extenders) through a standard TCP/IP socket port.
I am looking for developers who wish to continue the work on this code, please contact me if you are experienced using the Media Center SDK and would like to contribute.
The solution consists of two major components:

  • The first is an add-in for Vista Media Center that provides an IP control on TCP port 40400 (by default). You can use TELNET or any other socket client to connect and control (type HELP for a list of commands). For extenders, the port number is incremented so for the first extender the control port is 40401 etc.
  • The second component is an event sink for Vista Media Center. It provides a stream of event information over a TCP port for consumption by a client. You can TELNET or use any socket client to connect to port 40500. For extenders, the port number is incremented so for the first extender the stream is on port 40501 etc


Vista Media Center TCP/IP Controller – Home

7 thoughts on “Vista Media Center TCP/IP Controller”
  1. Yeh, doesn’t really compare. I’m talking full bi-directional control here not “send a keystoke”. It even provides access to the EPG information so the client knows not only what channel you are watching but also show title, channel name etc.

    For example, here are the commands implemented so far:
    # dvdrom – Opens and closes the default dvd drive door
    # msgbox “caption” “message”
    # goto
    # playrate

  2. Very cool. Do you have to enter any special character to send the command? I opened a telnet session and I do receive every single action that takes place in VMC, but I can’t send any of the commands (I mean, I send them but nothing happens)…

    Great work!

  3. hopefully this isnt controlling MC within the house, that would be pointless, thats what logitech diNovo min keyboard, logitech 1000, and a remote control handle. I hope this is to be able to connect to my MC from the internet at somone elses house or my mobile device when im out of town, so i can set show recordings, and control home devices, and listen to my music library at home on my mobile device or friends computer.

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