When you have a music collection that you play via Media Center at some point you come across the problem of having missing or incorrect meta data. This is especially a problem if you download mp3 files, and having missing album art looks really bad when your browsing your music collection in Media Center. nunosilva in this forum post asked how do you organize your library? He says he uses iTunes (reluctantly) and MusicBridge to manage the metadata, I use Album Art Fixer and I know other have mentioned Media Monkey

What do you do to get your metadata and album art ready for Media Center? Does anybody use Windows Media Player to manage it? What abut the Zune software?


7 thoughts on “How do you organize your music library?”
  1. For metadata I use Mp3Tag with a media source I cobbled together that pulls data from the Zune Marketplace. I wrote up a little piece about it here: http://blog.enginefour.com/blog/post/Zune-Marketplace-as-a-Mp3tag-Source.aspx

    As far as organizing it’s all pretty much artist\album\tracks for me and all 12000 songs have their album art directly embedded vs. a folder.jpg in the same folder as the tracks. Oh, and I play music using the Zune software, though it’s metadata editing is horrible (as in there is none).

  2. Wanted to let you guys know about TuneUp. We are a great itunes plug-in that automatically cleans all your mislabled or missing metadata.
    – About MusicBrainz: we’ve tried it and have gotten mixed responses, which is why we created TuneUp in the first place. Such being said, there are definitely other tools out there besides for TuneUp. Try them and make your own decision.
    – TuneUp also offers a pretty robust Free Version (500 cleans, 50 pieces of cover art). We’ve found that’s plenty to clean up most music libraries.
    – We’re launching TuneUp for iTunes on Mac in the next couple of weeks… so look out for it

    Thanks again for the support. If you have any other comments/questions feel free to contact me or put in a question in the forums over at http://www.tuneupmedia.com

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