Want to add more content to Yougle?

Yougle is a great addin for Media Center that enable you to watch user generated content via the 10 foot UI. The developer Steven Harding maintains The Digital Lifestyle.com Developer blog and he has posted details on how to add customer sources to Yougle so you can get your favourite web content on to Media Center

OK, although this isn’t about GENERAL Media Center development and is more of a self-serving plug, I’m going to go ahead anyway and show you how to write a plugin for Yougle.

I get a lot of requests for particular video, audio and (to a lesser extent) picture sources. What many people don’t know is that Yougle is extendible – 3rd party developers can write their own sources to add more content to Yougle.

So I’m going to show you the basics of creating the Yougle source to allow you to browse the Media Center Show podcasts.

Read more on Steven’s blog

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