10 thoughts on “Microsoft announces games for Zune via XNA Studio”
  1. Zune!!!! HA HA HA HA (no, really I am laughing uncontrollably while typing)
    Oh god this must be either denial or delusion.

    Great though, first off, who the hell has a Zune!?
    Second, why not get a god damn ipod to listen to podcasts? 🙂

    Craaaaazy people, really! I am absolutely gobsmacked you dont have an iPod.
    Incidentally, did you see the ring of death at the XNA exhibition (deep intake of breath)………. awkward..

    If not, enjoy here! http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2008/02/19/red_ring_of_death_xbox_game_developers_conference/

  2. Oh look, another Apple fanboy, what a shock! Perhaps he should actually use a zune and an ipod and compare them for their functionality first. I own both and find my ipod nano great for the gym and my zune 80 great for video. I think the more competition there is the better the innovation and prices reductions for us, the consumers.

  3. Where is the podcast section on on a ipod? (not talking about itunes)
    On my Zune all the podcast are separated out from the rest music and the previous / next track buttons change to be audio skip functions enabling you to move about in the podcast.
    Plus have you seen the new Zune desktop app, its way way way better than iTunes

    Plus I watch all my TV via Media Center so why would i want to switch 🙂

    Oh i had some fun editing your URL in the comment 😉

  4. Oh my lord, this gets even better…
    The blog owner actually has to ‘edit’ user comments to assist in keeping up the Microsoft illusion!
    This is absolute classic Microsoft behavior! My word, I feel like Neo in the Matrix trying to free you all into the lovely world of Apple I really do (no, really… I do)

    First….Justin, are you choosing to ignore all the comments on the engadget website quoting how crap the (whats it called again…) Zune device is! or have you kept the Microsoft shades on for FAR too long. ha ha ha this honestly has been the most fun.

    It’s not even that I have to try to find things to pick at from Microsoft, the pain comes from the fact that you guys really do think it’s a better platform. I mean, how can I take anyone serious with my technical head on when you clearly can not see wood for trees. Vista landed with a bump, agreed (you’ve got to it’s fact) here we are with another service pack (good luck) then you have the hardware requirements, everyones asking for their money back, I mean…it’s all to be found on the web. It’s not as if I don’t come from a Microsoft background guys, but you’ve got to give it up now, your making yourselves look silly.

    Hey, lets just hope the moderator lets the truth through, as the last post was clearly edited to protect them inside from leaving to a better brighter place. (that has got to have been the worst move yet by the way)

    Quote from el reg “Zune mobile music player, which has struggled to compete against the iPod and other players” I mean, ‘and other players!!” Jesus, you would expect it to struggle against the market leader and all, but ‘other players!!! what like? I mean, what like the iRiver!!! Oh my word, this is fun.

    I’m surprised you guys even got time from your busy virus/adware/spyware/yawn/sp1 updates to even pounce on my post!
    How long is it again that an unpatched Windows machine survives on the open highway? seconds? Yeh guys, this is a real architecture worth your time and support. I love that you guys actually have patch Tuesday for security vulnerabilities, he he he, a day all it’s own! When will you guys get it!!!

    So, where are we, me trying to free you, you guys trying to think of something else that Windows is great at, why don’t you just give up. It’s inevitable.

    Hey guys, here’s the serum again http://www.apple.com/getamac hope the architect lets you see it this time, or is his dwindling supporters of media center worrying him far too much?

    Open arms await you at Infinite Loop 🙂

  5. MilkyUK don’t be a dick, I edited the comment as a a bit of fun ( i thought you were being tongue in cheek) not some Matrix like conspiracy, hence pointing it to the Media Center page 🙂

    I don’t belive there in the point of slagging off one platform or the other. I like Media Center, it works for me and I don’t have any problems with it

    So head over to a Mac site and have fun

  6. Oh dear, did I touch a nerve? To be honest, I’m still trying to work out what expletive uses three characters!

    Come on guys, this site needs a bit of the ‘other sides’ input. Otherwise it’s just a big pro Microsoft sticky mess, ew.

    Id rather you fight back and open up a serious technical debate about media and how each platform works with it’s offerings instead of being a complete idiot and promoting a bad product! Lets all face it, media center is a hobbyists interest, and certainly not a main stream product that has any hope.

    Come on man, be biased, be devils advocate. Apple are offering mainstream movie rentals now, that can be played on ipods which is amazing and completely pisses all over media center. It’s funny how you use podcasts, guess who invented that concept, ahem.

    Come on, fight back, or you could just ban me from your site….sigh, thing is I thought this was a site that talks about media and how you can use it in ones home. I’m desperately trying to understand why it’s so pro Microsoft when the market leader is currently Apple.

    I guess I will have to look elsewhere for a more biased technically based view on media products and how they fit in the home.

    PS, did you know the BBC are now integrating the iPlayer in the iphone, and releasing mainstream TV shows via iTunes?

    Heavens above… http://www.apple.com/appletv

  7. can you watch and record live tv on apple tv?
    can you develop your own application? have a look at the 3rd party apps for media center
    Apple didn’t invent podcast? what makes you think that? have a search and find out
    look at zunes podcast function, you make be surprised its better than the ipod
    how does apple “completely piss all over media center” when you can’t even watch live tv on it?

    Apple make great products but if you notice the banner on the page it says Windows Media Center and the digital lifestyle so that is my focus
    its great that the bbc are getting tv shows on itunes and charging for it when I can watch them for free on media center

    so why would i ban you, but I guess this site is not for you and if you post i take the right to take the piss a little

    have fun Scotty 😉

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