IMG_0277 My final night at CES was at The Media Center Show dinner. Paul from S1Digital arranged for a room at the buffet in the Paris hotel, where we sat down chatted had some good food and a modest amount of beer. Lots of people including myself were heading out of Vegas and you could see the guys that had been walking the floor all week, they all look knackered!

There was a big group of us and I interviewed Ted Singh Embedded Automation, Adam Fitch from One Voice (they are doing some cool voice stuff with Intel MIDs), Terry Walsh from, writer Andrew Edney (who was upset with me for not mentioning him on the blog this week, so I hope you happy now Andrew!), Jessica Zahn from Microsoft and Steven Hughes. I meet long time listener and Media Center enthusiast David Cozzi which was great. David has been a big supporter of the show and it was great to meet him in person.

So it was another fun evening. CES is just as much about networking (with people) as it is gadgets.

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