In this weeks Media Center Show I will have a couple of emails on refresh rates and Windows Media Center, so I wanted to create a discussion on refresh rates.

In the show (out Thursday 18th) one mailer from Sweden asked about a way of automatically switching Vista to the correct refresh rate to match the content, eg PAL 50hz and NTSC 60hz as he couldn’t live with the mismatch of refresh rates.

Another email came in asking about whether the Xbox 360 supports 50hz output for HD content as 60hz refresh rate was making content broadcast at 50hz look very jerky on his TV.

This is not the first email I have had on the subject so I have created a thread on forums to discus the issue and would love to hear your thoughts on it.

So how do you find the refresh rates in Media Center and Extenders?
Do you find the mismatch in rates a problem or do you think there is no problem?
Do you have a workaround?

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