Last month on my blog and in the forums I asked "What features would you like to see added to Music in Media Center". I got some interesting reply’s, so here are some of the requests:

  • Music playback to be able to easily jump to a particular position within a track, e.g. playing a long track like a podcast and jump to a particular part
  • Choose a default song / playlist for playing in a photo slideshow.  So rather than going in to music first and selecting a playlist, Media Center would have a default play list for use with Photos
  • Boolean searches in Media Center i.e. "Beatles or Monkees"
  • Improved search performance
  • Improved Online music database: Often newly released CD are not reorganized by Media Center
  • Improved thumbnails in Music, when using HD displays the art work looks very low res, more on that problem here
  • Integration with "More like this" services like MusicIP or MusicBrainz
  • Music Video integration, rather than treating the files as just standard Videos. Have the Music Video experience integrated with the rest of music. You could create playlists or pick by genre
  • Better integration with Zune and Media Center, including the online store experiences
  • and finally one for system integrators, support for synced whole house audio

I am sure they are many other things that could be added to the list, these are some from the forum post on The Digital, I will be leaving the post open so feel free to add your own comments and thanks to the people that posted


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