Microsoft have released an update for Windows Mixed Reality on Windows 10. The new update features a lightweight home called Infinite Expanse designed to be less resource intensive, so games and apps have more available resources.

You also have the option to launch directly in to SteamVR when WMR launches completely, bypassing the WMR home.

There are also settings for start-up with presence detection.

The new options are already available on Windows 11.

Here are the full list of changes:

  • New virtual home environment for Windows Mixed Reality devices featuring a significant reduction in scope and size, streamlined down to singular stage instead of the more feature-rich Cliffhouse.
  • Built with performance in mind, the Infinite Expanse was designed to address long-standing customer requests for a less resource-intensive virtual home environment that allows customers to get the best performance out of their games and experiences.
  • This new virtual home environment can be found in the Pins Panel within the Places menu.

SteamVR boot with Mixed Reality Portal launch

  • New setting available to automatically launch SteamVR when WMR launches, allowing you to bypass WMR home space and jump directly into SteamVR.
    • This new setting can be found in the Settings app under Mixed Reality > Startup and Desktop > Automatic Startup.

New startup experience settings

  • New settings available to better configure your ideal startup experience by increasing your level of control over when Mixed Reality Portal launches.
  • You can now control whether or not Mixed Reality Portal launches when a device is connected or when the presence sensor is activated, as well as control how the virtual Desktop app opens.
  • These new settings can be found in the Settings app under Mixed Reality > Startup and Desktop
    • Toggle to start MRP on HMD plug-in.
    • Toggle to start MRP when presence is detected.
    • Toggle Open Desktop app on desktop app focus.


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