Imagine having a good time at your home-based pool on a sunny afternoon! Would you need anything more? You might think that’s all you need, but there’s actually something more. In this case, having some advanced pool gadgets would enhance your experience further at the pool.

And if you don’t have one, you must find the right swimming pool for your family for you to enjoy its delivery to the fullest.

Once your swimming pool is up and ready, it’s time to accessorize! Aside from putting out some aesthetic decorations like these ones from the Outdoor Art Pros, having the necessary pool gadgets will also make your recreational time more enjoyable! Luckily, today we will be discussing some of the top swimming pool gadgets you should consider having in 2019. Let’s get on with it.

  1. Wireless Floating Pool Speaker

Gone are the days when you had to use an extension socket to listen to music with your in-house based radio. Even though it was a solution to the boredom and silence at the pool, but it was also a risky thing to have cables all over the place. Someone could trip down and get hurt or the radio can even fall into the pool due to an accident.

But, a lot has changed in recent time, and most of the pool gadgets are now wireless, including the radio systems. You can now listen to your favorite jams while in the pool. A wireless floating pool speaker is the way to go in this case.

The fact that this speaker is used in the pool means that it is waterproof. But what makes it a must-have is its floating ability. This way, you will enjoy the music and not worry about it dropping into the water because it is designed to stay on the surface.

And yes, there is not a pool party without music; that is why you need to get yourself a wireless floating pool speaker. By the way, these speakers will also have some good bass level to help you enjoy your music perfectly. They do need some batteries, so ensure that you find long-lasting batteries for you to enjoy uninterrupted music.

  1. Towel Warmer

Do you even need a warm towel when you get out of the pool? Some would say yes, while others wouldn’t go along with it. But seriously, you do need this gadget. And it is not only needed in a spa or bathroom. You can plug this little beast on the patio to keep your towel warm when you get out of the pool. Keep in mind that some people warm their pool water, so it would only be more satisfying if you’d have a towel warmer keeping your towel warm enough as you step out of the pool.

These towel warmers normally keep your pool towel at 120°F (49°C). Plus, they have an auto-power-off feature to prevent overheating

  1. Motorized Pool Cleaner

Everybody loves to take a dive in the pool in the hot days, but not everyone would want to clean those pools. As you take those cooling dips, the pool will gradually accumulate debris and algae. In this case, you will need to consider cleaning out your pool.

Thankfully, there are plenty of pool cleaners out there to aid you with that. But what would make your work easier and the experience more interesting is when you go for a battery operated pool vacuum. This gadget will help you to clean the pool wirelessly and also do it without consuming electricity.

However, these wireless pool vacuums are only suitable for small pools. They are not ideal for large and commercial pools. So choose it if you have a small pool at home. Also, ensure that you go for one that has durable battery life.

  1. Inflatable Movie Screen (with Storage Bag)

So, there’s no pool party without music. But is there any visual meal (for the eyes) that is better than a good movie? Certainly not. That is why you should consider getting a movie screen for your pool. A regular inflatable movie screen would measure 123 inches by 70 inches. The whole unit is 12ft high by 11.5ft wide. That is large enough to keep you entertained throughout your pool time.

You can set it up at one end of your pool as you enjoy watching a good movie. This movie screen will come with tethers and stakes to keep it in place. Plus, there is a storage bag to keep it safe when the movie is over.

Keep in mind that this is not exactly a gadget, but more of an accessory. You will need to have a projector that can be used along with the movie screen.

  1. Pool System Transceiver

Whenever you are in the pool, you always don’t want to get out to check things like the pool cleaner, filters, or the water temperature. The new technology makes all that easy for you by combining it all in a transceiver. You can do it with your phone and download the transceiver app. This app will then combine all the needed things in one platform. From there, you can manage all the necessary details in the palm of your hand.

  1. Water Scooter

Time at the pool seems boring? Maybe you have watched your favorite movie already, there is no new playlist or you just want to move around the pool but you also feel lazy to do so. What would you do in this scenario? Easy! Just get yourself a sea scooter to do the thing for you. This is also a great option if you don’t know how to swim. Instead of worrying about it, just hang on to your water scooter and let it cruise you around your pool.

The water scooter can thrust you at a top speed of 2mph down at depths down to 15 feet. It is wireless (of course), so it runs on a rechargeable battery that can run for around 1.5 hours. Okay, before you say the battery doesn’t last for long, consider how long you will be swimming in the pool. If it can keep you swimming and enjoying the thrusting for a whole hour and a half, then it is very reliable. But still, you need to choose a worthwhile device.

Regardless of the pool gadget you get, ensure that you take care of the gadget properly to avoid premature breakdowns. Also, always go for gadgets from reputable brands.

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